
Done in: v.1 09.2021 and v2. 03.2023 | by Amondo Szegi | Customer: Creative Market | 7 weights, 14 style | $49

​The new currency created in 1946, the Forint, had the task of breaking down the hyperinflation after the Second World War.

Numerous typographical errors and oddities characterize the original coin. Unfortunately, the 75th-anniversary coins only magnified these hiatuses and did not fix them.

Designed from these oddities, I tried to conjure up something special. The history of the Forint dates back to the XIV. dates back to the century. Curiously, however, a characteristic Baroque-style typeface has born from the 1946 coin. The letters reflect history, it creates a sense of natural softness and expressiveness. I pushed the concept into a usability-focused direction, to work as a bold tool and beautiful communicator.

Forint 7 weights, italics, and major Latin-based languages. True italics advance the aesthetics, bringing energy and making it suitable for modern design.

The type family melds organic curves and gentle repetition into a powerful and harmonious type. You can appreciate the letter shapes at large point sizes, whilst the same restraint and focus create an even texture for small point sizes and long reading.

The font broadens its use by supplying weights from thin to black. The natural curves, swells, and sloping trunks grow in character as the font gains weight. The thinner weights have lowered contrast and optical corrections to create a warm and gentle appearance.

The Forint character set incorporates additional symbols, stylistic alternates, unique ligatures, and case-sensitive punctuation – producing a stable workhorse family ready to tackle projects of any size.

Forint is excellent to use in a digital environment but also looks great on the packaging and as body text.

The history of the medieval Forint coin: Charles Robert was the first European ruler to introduce a gold currency in his country. The variety of small denominations of silver used in the Árpádian era and the stable gold currency that replaced Byzantine gold meant a comprehensive financial reform. Although European rulers followed the example of Károly Róbert, precious Hungarian gold became the most sought-after and reliable currency in Europe.

Check out Kassak which is a great pair for Forint.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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